4月18日、水曜日、歓迎会 文献;HZ&尿閉


. 2013; 2013: 738579.
Published online 2013 Oct 22. doi

A Case of Almost Painless Herpes Zoster Presenting with Symptoms of Cystitis, Penile Numbness, and Acute Vestibular Failure

) Clason AE, McGeorge A, Garland C, Abel BJ. Urinary retention and granulomatous prostatitis following sacral Herpes zoster infection. A report of 2 cases with a review of the literature. The British Journal of Urology1982;54(2):166–169.
>>With a decline in the immunity, the virus travels down along the affected nerve causing both intraneural and perineural inflammation, which is associated with nerve cell necrosis, lymphocytic infiltration, and haemorrhage []

 1987 Aug;33(8):1266-71.

[Urinary retention secondary to herpes zoster].

[Article in Japanese]


We present a case of urinary retention and constipation secondary to Herpes zoster in the distribution of the second and third sacral dermatomes in a 68-year-old woman. Vesical irritability was not observed. Cystometry revealed a flaccid type bladder. Cell count of spinal fluid increased but clinical symptoms and physical findings of myelitis were not observed. A Foley catheter was left indwelling for five days due to urinary retention. After removal of the catheter, bladder paresis gradually improved. Skin eruption and disturbance of urination completely improved about three weeks later. Forty-seven cases of bladder involvement secondary to Herpes zoster including our case have been reported in the Japanese literature.





Orchid; H29年12月5日、火曜日、14時面談